Modern tanks hoi4
Modern tanks hoi4

This one is quite difficult, in that it is not something I immediately recognised. The 2D model is represented by the French Renault FT-17. The 3D model is represented by the light tank. The first tank you need to have researched is this: I will also link the other generic equipment posts at the end – in case you wanted to look at them as well.įunnily enough, the generic light tanks have the same model for each tier. It seems that modern armour shares the same model with the medium tanks, while superheavy tanks share the same model as regular heavies – so there are some overlaps. That extra armor bonus would increase the hardness and reduce the manpower loss during a resistance activity.In this edition of identifying the generic items of HOI4, I will cover tanks. However, once you have tank surplus, you can add couple of tanks to your garrison division for armor. So, 5 cavalry and 1 MP is enough for starter. In order to get full effects from military police support, you need at least 5 divisions. Also the military police support is a must for the garrison divisions. If you are playing an expansionist country, you can not spare tons of resources to your garrisons.

modern tanks hoi4

Artillery support also gives a good soft attack which is good for repelling enemy infantry divisions. Also they must be supported with engineer and recon for land bonuses. Which is the best way to defeat your enemies.įor 20 width, optimal armoured division should have 6 tanks and 4 motorized infantry. Once you combine tanks and motorized divisions, that speed and push bonus allows you to encircle enemy divisions. An optimized tank should have at least 8-10 speed. I always use motorized infantry on the tank divisions because speed is everything. However, they must always be supported by infantry. Tanks are the best battalions for pushing frontlines. HOI4 Multiple Autosaves Guide Best Tank Template HOI4 However, you must produce tons of trucks and oil in order to sustain these divisions.

modern tanks hoi4

Motorized templates have more organization, suppression and breakthrough. Difference between motorized and infantry templates are not only in speed.

Modern tanks hoi4