Superior drummer 2.0 2015
Superior drummer 2.0 2015

Interestingly (or not).superior 2 has extremely advanced midi while I am contemplating a move to 2.0, I understand that using this program will more or less give the same performance (or better) than with solo.and certainly better than ezdrummer as a plug-in.which probably explains why they haven't incorporated into the ezdrummer plug-in. On the toontrack web board there is some talk that this may be included in a future update.but right now using ezdrummer when piped through a sequencer sounds very poor.the triggering plain sucks.especially on the hi hat (i use a hart epedal hi hat w/ stand and TD-12). The hat functionality sucks compared to using it with the solo s kind of unbelievable really. In fact, ez drummer used in with the solo program is hands down the best sounding e-drums I have ever heard or used.i was stoked.Īs of Now.if you pipe easy drummer into your favorite sequencer.those two functions are not available. Toontrack solo has an e-drum setting which allows for better functionality with drum also has a cc offset setting which allows my hi hat sounds to work extremely well.

superior drummer 2.0 2015 superior drummer 2.0 2015 superior drummer 2.0 2015

Something to consider if your using midi drums.

Superior drummer 2.0 2015